Fall Driving Hazards

Fall Driving Hazards

When the weather changes, especially as we head into winter, road conditions change as well. Driving in the fall means having to pay attention to a number of safety hazards on the road that you are not likely to experience during the warmer months in Chicagoland.

  • Fog, frost, and mist are common fall driving hazards. Visibility decreases and roads become slick, leading to serious accidents. When it is foggy be sure to use your vehicle’s fog lights alongside low-beam headlights, never turn on your brights, and slow down. Also, be careful of ice patches on the roads as heavy precipitation can freeze if temperatures drop low enough.
  • Night Driving – It might seem that most people do the majority of their driving during daylight hours, however, in the fall, driving in the dark becomes more common. Most traffic deaths occur at night so it is important to stay alert, use your headlights, slow down, and watch for pedestrians, bicyclists, and animals while driving at night.
  • Wildlife crossings are another common road hazard that occurs in fall, and similarly in spring. Animals frequently have to cross roads but the most likely time to hit an animal is during the months of October and November. Deer often mate during this time, and other animals are foraging for winter. Dusk is especially dangerous for animals and drivers alike. It is also less likely you will see an animal trying to cross the road because it gets darker faster and stays darker longer in the fall. Be sure to watch the roadsides carefully. Slow down at night, sundown, and early morning. Also, look for deer crossing signs; sometimes they alert you to a heavy deer population before the deer do.
  • Tires will lose air pressure as the rubber expands and air molecules contract with dropping temperatures. Check your tire pressure regularly. Fall also brings plenty of rain which can lead to hydroplaning – especially if your tire tread is worn down – so make sure your tires are in good shape.
  • Rain – Stopping, steering, and general maneuvering is harder when it is wet out. Oil and grime buildup mixed with fresh rain (usually when it has been dry for a while) can make roads slick.
  • Glare from the sun increases when fall rolls around because the sun is closer to the horizon – even though we have fewer hours of sunlight. Be sure to keep your windshield clean and keep sunglasses on hand.
  • Debris piles up in the fall. Leaves, branches, and other debris gather in the streets making it more difficult to stop, encouraging bicyclists to ride outside the lanes, cars to make hasty swerves, and pedestrians to walk where they shouldn’t. Stay vigilant.

VFC Engineering – German Auto Repair Service in Ravenswood

If you have been in an accident due to a fall driving hazard, or want to prevent one from happening by keeping up with your tire and vehicle maintenance, contact VFC Engineering today. We provide superior German auto repair service. We invite you to give us a call at 773-275-4832.

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