How Snow and Ice Can Damage Your Vehicle: Prevention Guide
Chicago winters bring snow, ice, and road salt, which can cause serious damage to your car if not handled properly. Winter weather might seem like just a temporary hassle, but ice on your car and snow buildup can cause lasting damage like rust, weakened parts, and expensive repairs. Knowing how snow can harm your car and how to prevent it can help keep your vehicle in great shape during winter. How Can Snow Damage Your Car Heavy snow and ice on your car aren’t just a hassle on cold mornings—they can cause rust and mechanical problems that impact how well your car runs and how long it lasts. 1. Road Salt and Moisture Create the Perfect Conditions for Rust One of the biggest winter threats to vehicles is rust. Road salt, commonly used to melt ice on Chicago streets, accelerates the corrosion process. When snow and ice melt on your […]